Packaging design and development

When you want to invest in the design and development of packaging for your products, a number of questions often arise:

  • How does a packaging development project proceed?
  • How can I achieve savings on packaging while streamlining my purchases?
  • How do I ensure that the new packaging or the new packaging parts work in my production?

We want to make the process of purchasing, choosing packaging and phasing in as convenient and efficient as possible for you. We therefore work with a customer-specific roadmap so that you can always follow the process – step by step. Check out our video to understand our process.


We offer graphic design and 3D modelling in connection with the development of specially designed packaging and upgrading of standard packaging solutions.

For every new project, we want to get to know you and your product. Knowledge creates the best prerequisites for being able to deliver the desired packaging innovation or the updated graphic expression that creates renewed interest in an existing product range.

If you are interested in a specially designed packaging packaging solution, contact us here.

Our process

As a customer of Packwise, you are part of the journey in the development of the packaging for your product. It is you who decides, and we do our best to guide and support you in the process.

However, we know how unmanageable it can seem. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to see how we work with the design process – right from the first idea to the finished packaging solution. It is not certain that all points will be used to achieve the desired result, but overall we work with six process phases with sub-points. These are briefly described below.

Nourishing hair oil
01 Brand Analysis

Before we start developing a new design for your product, we examine your brand’s DNA. We uncover who your product is aimed at, which USPs (Unique Selling Points), ESPs (Emotional Selling Points) and claims that are important to communicate via the packaging design.

02 Desk & Field Research

In this phase of the design process, it is essential to do a market analysis to gain knowledge about the customers. We start with desk research, where we examine the market from our computer. Subsequently, we carry out a field research, where we examine the market ourselves by, for example, seeking out possible customers. Research is an essential part of the process, as it reveals what consumers really want.

03 Concept Development

Before the development of your new packaging design begins, your brand’s DNA is uncovered and all parameters are included in the considerations that precede the first sketches. Do you need packaging for a new line of products, an existing product range or do you need a packaging solution for a completely new product? Sometimes it can be decisive that the new design meets some production requirements. Once we have created a good overview of which visual and functional requirements your new design must meet, we prepare some mood boards. We naturally define the direction of the design work in collaboration with you.

04 Prototyping & 3D Modeling

After determining the direction for the new packaging design, we continue to work with the design language of the packaging. We select the right materials and take into account your wishes and requirements for colours, the graphic line and typography. We then calculate the interest on your new design and present you with the result. Once the packaging design has been approved and possibly tested on a focus group, a digital 3D model is produced. We develop solutions that are tailored to your needs. We can offer designs and series of photorealistic mockups with your design wishes for visualisation before production. That way, you can get an impression of how the finished product looks before you decide. Our customers are happy with this feature, as it can be difficult to imagine how different design elements will play together in the final result. Our mockups allow you to get as realistic a picture of your product as possible before it is produced.

05 Testing

We use prototypes to test whether the packaging design works optimally. The prototype is presented to a focus group that tests and evaluates it, after which we revise the design. When we test using focus groups, we have the opportunity to examine whether the product design carries the desired brand identity or meets other important design functions. For example, we test how the group decodes the product packaging, whether they recognise the brand’s DNA in the design, etc.

06 Production & Control

Production tools for the production of the packaging are produced, and before the production of large quantities of the new packaging is started, packaging samples are produced for final approval. A final review of form, functionality, colour, pressure and tactility is carried out and the packaging is tested. After final approval of the new packaging, production begins. In order to ensure a uniformly high packaging quality, both internal and external quality controls (AQL) are carried out. These quality controls are carried out both during and after production.

Creating your own packaging design with our assistance. Sounds interesting?
Briefly tell us about your project and we will reach out to you as soon as possible 

Specially designed packing solutions

We provide standard solutions within many of our packaging categories. However, you always have the option to make our standard packaging unique using various design elements. You can choose different sizes and shapes for both container and dispenser/capsule, and you can also colour the packaging in the colour(s) you want.

We also have the opportunity to develop specially designed packaging solutions based on your unique needs and requirements for functionality, design and material as well as budget and delivery. Our specially designed solutions are popular among our customers, as it creates a good opportunity to really differentiate ourselves from other types of packaging within the same category.

In addition, the specially designed solutions can be adapted to your product content, so that you get the dosage, size, shape etc. that is most optimal in relation to your product’s viscosity, durability requirements, etc. If you are interested in a specially designed packaging solution:

Design manual for plastic packaging for private consumption


High level of recycling

Medium level of recycling

Low level of recycling

Main component

(Container, bucket, tray, bottle, foil)

High level of recycling

Main component is in mono-material: PET, PE or PP.

Must be able to withstand washing at an appropriate level.

Medium level of recycling

Main component is in mono-material: PET, PE or PP.

Or a minimum content of compatible material.

Main component is colored

Low level of recycling

Main component consists of laminated materials that are not compatible.


(Closures, lids, inserts, seals)

High level of recycling

Sub-component is in the same material as the container or separates completely from the container in use.

Medium level of recycling

Sub-components are not separated in use, but are made of materials that are compatible with the main component.

Sub-components are colored

Low level of recycling

Sub-components contain incompatible plastics, metal, paper, etc.

Sub-components do not disassemble during use.


(Covers, print, glue and labels)

High level of recycling

Covers and labels are completely removed by use or rough shredding.

There is no color printing on the container, only on covers or labels.

Medium level of recycling

Covers and labels are not separated from the container, but are made of the same material as the container or compatible materials.

Cover, labels or container may be printed.

Low level of recycling

Labels and covers are incompatible with the main component and cannot be removed.
There is extensive color printing on the packaging.


(By consumer)

High level of recycling

The packaging can easily be completely emptied of residue after regular use. Requires at most a light rinse with water

(e.g. meat tray).

Medium level of recycling

The packaging is only partially emptied of residues after normal use.

However, sub-components can be easily separated so that the consumer can rinse the packaging.

(e.g. ketchup bottle).

Low level of recycling

The packaging cannot be emptied of residues after normal use.

(e.g. toothpaste tube)


High level of recycling

For example, rPET can be used for new bottles, food trays and cans.

For example, rPE and rPP can be made into pipes, sheets, buckets, non-food containers.

Medium level of recycling

For example, rPET can be used for fibers for textiles.

It is also used in fleece sweaters, carpets, etc.

rPE and rPP become e.g. pipes, sheets, buckets, containers for non-food products.

Low level of recycling

The blended plastic can be used for concrete fillers, RDF and plastic-to-diesel, for example.

See our e-books for information about packaging design and material selection